
Teaching and Learning Since 2002

Strat-O-Matic Baseball Games and Features

Around the SOM community, players often advocate for their favorite of the baseball game's three rule sets: Basic, Advanced (ADV), and Super Advanced (SADV). In addition, there are people who prefer the computer game and only knows some of the SOM rules. There seems to be an equal number of players who refuse to touch the computer game. So just for fun, I wanted to make a chart that covers all the possible ways to play SOM and what those games and rule sets have. So if you are a Basic player wondering if you are missing out on anything, or a SADV player wondering if your season replays would be faster with less rules... wonder no more. First let's review the five current ways to play the game. I am not including Baseball 365 as the teams cannot be managed in the middle of a played game.

The Games

Here is a brief history lesson. Some of the information here came from the Strat-O-Matic Fanatics book by Glen Guzzo. It is recommended reading if you are interested in the game's history or the rationale behind SOM Baseball's gameplay.

The Chart

The numbers in the chart represent the sections of the SOM Baseball rule book the rules or features came from. For the computer game, Misc stands for Miscellaneous Rules. It is a single option that turns on and off all those rules all at once. Max means it is a Maximum Rule. Unlike Miscellaneous Rules, a Max Rule is a stand-alone rule or feature that can be turned on or off on its own. I assume programming limitations are why Miscellaneous Rules cannot be toggled individually.

Rule or FeatureExpressBasicAdvancedSuper
1.0 Basic Pitcher and Batter Cards
8.1 Stealing Grades
2.2 Hits with *, **, and none (optional for Basic)
3.0 Flyball()
4.0 Groundball()
6.3 Lineout() Into As Many Outs As Possible
7.2 Sacrifice Bunts
10.0 Use ABs and IPs to Determine Rest (optional)
8.21 Holding a runner changes groundball++ into SINGLE**
5.0 Flyball()X, Groundball()X, and Catcher()X
6.2 and 9.13 GROUNDBALL()++ Becoming SINGLE**
7.2 Squeeze Plays
7.3 Hit and Run
8.2 Hold Baserunners (optional in Basic)
9.0 Infield Back and Infield In
25.1 Super Advanced Injury Chart
13.3 Advanced Cutoff Rule
11.0 Lefty-Righty Ratings
12.0 N/W Power Ratings
13.1 and 16.1.B Outfielder Throwing Ratings
13.2 and 22.3 Holding Affects Baserunning Rating
14.2 fly()B?
14.3 Runner from 2B to 3B on fly(rf)B
15.3 gbA and gbB Runner Advancement
16.1.C Fielding Error Ratings
18.2 Individual Bunting Rating
18.3 Defense In Affects Bunting Rating
18.4 Sacrifice Bunt With Runners on 3B and 1B
19.1 Hit and Run Disallowed With Runner On 3B
19.2 Individual Hit-And-Run Rating
20.11 Infield In Affects Bunting
20.12 Infield In With Anticipation of Sacrifice Bunt
22.21 Catcher's Arm Affects Steal Chances
22.22 Throwing Errors by Catchers
22.23 Catcher's Arm Affects Holds
25.21 Outfield Fielding Adjustment Chart
25.3 Position Player Pitching
27.0 Pitcher POW Fatigue
13.6 and 14.4 Super Advanced Cutoff RulesMisc
21.0 Bringing the Outfield In (optional)Misc
13.63 Catcher Blocking The Plate RuleMax
14.5 Robbing HR RuleMax
20.9 Defensive ShiftsMax
13.4 Baserunning Rating Changes for RF to 3B and LF to 3B
16.41 Rare Plays
16.5 Infield Fly Rule
17.13 gb()+ does not become SINGLE** if a runner is held
17.22 Possible for Triple Plays to be Double Plays for lomax
18.5 Suicide Squeezes
19.51 lomax on Pitcher's Card for Hit-And-Run Results
20.2 Corners In Instead of Infield In
23.0 Supplementary Stealing System (optional)
23.9 Delayed Steal of Home (optional)
25.11 Pitcher's Individual Injury Rating (for 2016 and after)
26.2 Solitaire Starting Lineup Usage Chart (optional)
27.5 + 27.6 SADV Pitcher Fatigue and Rest Rules
28.0 Closer Rule
29.1.B Wild Pitches
24.1.C and 29.1.C + 29.2.C Balks (optional)
29.1.C Passed Balls (optional)
24.1.B and 29.2.B Pick Off Runners (optional)
30.3, 4, 7 Ball Park Home Runs, Ball Park Singles, and Clutch Hitting
30.5 Weather Effects (optional)
Runner Advancing From 2B to 3B off fly(RF)B?Misc
Cut-off Play ErrorsMisc
Trail Runner May Try To Advance On A Sacrifice FlyMisc
Improve Statistical AccuracyMax
Bunt For Base HitMax
Improve Out DistributionMax
Improve Baserunning RealismMax
Home Field AdvantageMax
Starting Pitcher ClutchMax
More Baserunning DecisionsMax
Realistic Triples, Ballpark Doubles and Triples, and Guard LinesMax
Realistic Throwing ErrorsMax
Reduce Pre-1920 ErrorsMax
Pitch-Around OptionMax
Correct Board Game ExcessesMax
Errors on BuntsMax
Errors on PickoffsMax
Pro-rated Injuries To Length Of SeasonMax
Limit All Injuries To Current Game OnlyMax
Extreme Batter-Pitcher MatchupsMax
Allow Errors Not Shown On SADV X-ChartMax
Throttle "Monster Cards"Max
Injuries (None and 15/60, 7/15/60, and 7/10/60 Days Rules)
SADV Fatigue & Pitch Count

How I Play

I hope you find the above table interesting and helpful! If you would like to know how I play the C&D game, I use all the SADV rules. However, like many players, I do not use Defensive Shifts, as I find its implementation to be too situational and unnecessary. The results are already in the cards. As for the computer game, you are welcome to take a look at my settings. In the end of the day, as long as you are not in a league or tournament, you can always remove the rules and features you do not like or agree with. In addition, you can do your own research on a variety of homebrew rules or even create your own. At the end of the day we all play Strat-O-Matic Baseball to have fun!

Go back to my Strat-O-Matic Baseball page.

©opyright 2025 by Richard Knopf
Updated May 2, 2020