
Teaching and Learning Since 2002

Retro Gaming by TextRich

Hi there! I just created this little page as I have found certain information or documentation on certain retro video games to be very difficult to find. I hope this will aid others with similar interests or needs.

TextRich Twitch Channel

If you enjoy watching retro gaming, please check out the TextRich Twitch channel. If you would like to be notified of future broadcasts, please Follow it. Thank you for your interest and support!

Commodore 64 Direct To TV (C64 DTV) Instructions

This is a joystick that has a built-in, modified, and moddable Commodore 64 computer. Check out its entry in the C64 Wiki. I own the first version. It was made by Mammoth Toys and is for NTSC televisions.

While using it again for the first time in years, I realized that the PDF manual with game instructions is almost, if not totally, impossible to find via Google now. Fortunately, I downloaded and saved a copy of it years ago. You can download it here (107 KB PDF file). Enjoy and e-mail me if it doesn't work for you for some reason.

NTSC Instructions

The manual was for the PAL (European) version. I definitely looked for an American version back then and could not find it. I Googled for instructions on a few games for the NTSC version.

Bull Riding (from World Games, copied and pasted from somewhere I can't remember)

You have 3 attempts, as always...

To ride the bull you must push the corresponding control direction in which the bull is facing. If he is facing left, hit LEFT. If he is facing right, hit RIGHT. If the bull spins push DOWN. If you fall of, you fail.

Stay on for eight seconds or you'll get a nasty prick in the behind.

Sumo Wrestling (from World Games, copied and pasted from the same place I found the Bull Riding instructions)

[Insert 3 chances here]

After a ceremonial ritual you are thrown headfirst into the melee.

LEFT or RIGHT: move
UP: smack opponent
HOLD A: grab and hold belt

While holding belt

There are a few ways to win. You could force your opponent out of the ring by moving, but this is very hard. if you trip or throw your opponent then you automatically win. If your opponent does any of these moves to you then smack him to make him lose his grip.

If your score is lower than your opponent then you fail.

Silicon Warrior

Atari Mania page on Silicon Warrior

World Karate Championship A/B

Atari Mania page on World Karate Championship

That's all I have for now. Thank you for visiting!

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©opyright 2025 by Richard Knopf
Updated March 19, 2023